Wave anything in front of a bull and that bovine is motivated. The nostrils flare and a bellow emanates from deep within. A hoof claws the dirt and a target is identified.
In order to be successful online you need to be a motivated bull. In the case of Rocky Balboa you need to have the “Eye of the Tiger”. You have to have a hunger for something you may not even be sure you can attain, but you know you will either succeed or perhaps die trying (proverbially speaking or course).
Too many approach money making ideas with an, “Awww, what do I have to lose? Sure. I’ll give it a try.” They pursue online business opportunity with all the backbone of cooked linguini. The first time they hit a wall of opposition they fold backward under the pressure and lie there broken and confused.
Have you fixed your eye on an identified target? Are you keeping the goal fixed firmly in your mind? How committed are you in doing what it takes to reach that goal?
There are plenty of individuals who pursue online moneymaking opportunities like they might chose a pet from a shelter. You take a sample of food home along with the pet, feed it and try to choose a name. Once the pet makes a mess of wakes you up in the middle of the night it goes back to the shelter. After all, you gave it a college try and found it a less than satisfying experience.
When you move forward in online moneymaking opportunities it is not a spectator sport. You can’t simply sit on the sidelines and say, “Man, that looks hard. I think I’m gonna have to take a pass. Which way to the showers?”
You’re here reading these words because you have dreams and ambitions that require more capital than you have right now. You’re here because you’re tired of never quite having enough, but have you become so disgusted by the pressures of making ends meet that you are willing to ‘be the bull’. Are you ready to claim a target and work to find the goal and come away champion?
There is no, “I think so,” or “I hope so.” You’ve been a spectator long enough. Am I right? You want meaningful change, but that change is not simply a change in available ideas, it is a change in the very core of who you are.
The ‘want to’ has to be there before you can ever obtain the prize.
Too many will come to a moneymaking site like this and hope that something falls out that requires no work and little commitment. Some try selling that pipedream, but the payment from this pipe is not what you really want. Sometimes it will even require more from you than you ever thought possible.
Dream your own dream. Find your own target. Search for the tenacity to move your own mountain. When you do there will be an incredible satisfaction at the end of the day.
You may be the champion you’ve been looking for after all.
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