If your eBay selling business is lacked of buyers, you could quickly fail. You need to have as many customers as possible to make you eBay business a success. One proven way to maintain and grow your eBay business for success is by building a customer base. Building a customer base takes extra effort and time but it is worth doing it because a customer based can bring you steady revenue from time to time.

A customer base is basically all of those people who have bought from you in the past and it can be a literal gold mine. Putting them together will become a customer based of your own. The good thing about selling to existing customers is it is easier and less costly to entice them to purchase from you again.

Each sale is actually your most important sale. If possible, try to treat every customer as your most important customer and you will have a good chance of getting return business if you ask for it. This is the key to make money again and again from your customer base.

Here is one of the ways of getting repeat business from your customers. Build a wish list. Ask your customer if there are any related items that they are looking for. This will work especially for the items like collectibles, antiques, vintage and designer clothes, books, and other media categories. After a buyer got their item and you are confident that they are satisfied with the purchase because you have provided excellent customer service, ask them if there are any other related products that they would like to obtain and also ask them if you can email them with auctions that they might be interested. I bet many of them will say yes and you get to know what other related items you customers are also interested to buy.

Once most of your customers replied you about what other items they are interested to purchase. You can start putting together all of these wanted items into a wish list of your customers. So, you may begin to order your inventory based on the items in the wish list. Once you got the inventory, it is time to put these item up for auction. Provide the buy it now option as well for each auction and then let your customers know about these new auctions so that your customer can buy it quickly if they desire. This is a technique applied by many eBay PowerSellers to generate consistent profit.

Moreover, let them know about your free newsletter and invite them to sign up. Yes, you need to create a newsletter.

Why it is important to publish your own newsletter? Customers could easily forget you and your business. If you don't communicate with them every 30 days or so, they will forget you. By inviting them to sign up your newsletter, you can send them information that they want to read on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. This will help you stay in touch and establish a good relationship with your current customers.

Tell your customers that becoming your newsletter subscribers will get promotional discounts that others will not get. The length of your newsletter does have to be very long. One page with about 600 words will be sufficient. Feature a topic of general interest to your customers in each publication. For instance, if you are selling antiques, you may write about how to detect fraudulent antiques items when shopping on eBay. Then offer a discount to subscribers who make a purchase or win an auction in that month.

Building a customer base will secure the grow of your eBay business but be sure you keep in touch with them. Good communication between you and your list of customers will result long-term repeat business.