Grow Your Friend List. Your friend list is the key to succeed in Myspace marketing. You need to make as many friends as possible. You are going to look for friends that have interests in your website and blog content, or your product and services. This is the first challenge in your Myspace marketing.

Tips and Tricks for Growing Your Friend List Faster
1) Search for Myspace users in your niche and add them as your friends. There are plenty of groups created in Myspace, look for groups in the categories related to your niche , visit these groups and add them as your friends.

2) Visit other Myspace users profiles that also market the same niche as your. They should have built a friend list, add their friends as your friends too.

3) Use Myspace trains like and to grow your friend list faster. If you have never heard about Myspace trains, they are websites with a specific program code allowing people to add their profile to a chain which will be seen in all bulletin board on the different Myspace communities.

4) Whoring. What is whoring? Here's an explanation how it works:
- You partner with a Myspace marketer in your niche, request the marketer to send a bulletin message encouraging his/her friends to add you as friend.
- In exchange, you'll do the same for the Myspace marketer.

Step 3
Drive traffic to your site or blog from Myspace and make money. Once you have got a lot of friends, you can start sending your promotional message using bulletin. Your bulletin message shouldn't directly promote your site or blog as it will not work.

You can post bulletin to notify your friends when you have written a new blog post, posted an interesting news on your blog, added new helpful tips and articles on website, organized a contest and ask them to visit your site or blog to find out more about the contest and any other ideas you can think of. This ways your traffic will increase and so as your AdSense revenue.

- Make you bulletin message interesting and fun to read.
- Don't just make your bulletin message about marketing. Occationally you can send something fun such as a joke or a brain teaser.
- If you want to sell your own or affiliate products to your targeted friends, you need to figure out ways to draw your friends to your sales page using bulletin

For part 1 click on the url below

Free Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic

Posted by MarkFrancis | 10:35 PM

1) Comment on Blogs
Look for large traffic Blogs in your niche, visit them and leave your comments on their blogs posts. You may use blog search engine like, and to find blogs in your niche.

2) Submit Articles
Write articles that are related to your blog and submit them to popular article directories such as,,, and Quality articles may drive you a lot of free targeted traffic.

3) Participate in Community Forums
Use google to search for forums that are related to your blog. Look for forums that has over 10,000 members and read the rules of the forums to see whether you can promote your blogs and websites in your signature. Join forums that allow you to add a link to your blog in the signature and start participating in discussion. You can ask questions, answer other members questions and post your articles, ideas and thought in the forums.

4) Submit Your Blog to Directories
This isn't working to me but some bloggers claim that they gain a good amount of traffic from their listings in directories.

5) Post Often
You can lose traffic if you seldom update you blog, try to make it at least 5 posts per week. This not only will maintain your traffic but possibly attract more readers.

6) Write about Blogging
Write helpful and quality articles related to blogging can attract other bloggers link to your articles and gain may be truckload of free traffic.

7) Post Breaking News
If your found a breaking news of your niche very earlier, post it to your blog. It may give your blog's traffic a boost.

8) Social Bookmarking
Bookmark you blog posts in the large social bookmarking sites like,, Simply and

9) Run a Contest
Start a contest on your blog. Think about the prizes that people really want. It will create a viral effect and bring in new visitors.

10) On-page Optimization
Make sure your blog's title tag and description tag contain your targeted keywords. When you have posted plenty of quality blog post and done a lot of blog promotion, don't be surprise to see your blog ranks top 10 in Google and get free search engine traffic daily. is the largest social networking or web 2.0 website with over 1 billion members in their database and their membership is continued to grow steadyly. For people who want to socialize online, it is definitely a great place to make friends, share your content and build your own groups. But for Internet marketers, webmasters and bloggers it is a great tool to generate free targeted traffic and make more money online. So, how Myspace can be used as a marketing tool to generate targeted traffic? The below step-by-step instructions will show you how:

Step 1
Obviously the first step is go to Myspace to sign up an account. Once you have set up your Myspace account successfully, you proceed to login and you'll see the following main features:

Edit Profile
Account Settings
Add/Edit Photos
Add/Change Videos
Manage Calender
Manage Blog
Manage Address Book

Edit Profile
Profile is one of the most important myspace marketing tools you can use to promote your website, blog or online business. Clicking the 'edit profile' link will allow you to add details to your profile and make it searchable by the 'friends', e.g. the people or niche group you want to attract on Myspace. Here are the options available to customize your profile:

* Headline
It is the place to add a title to your myspace profile page.

* About Me
This is the section to add details and information to promote your website and blog. It is important not to make your about me section read like a blatant sales page as this against Myspace rules. You can start introducing yourself, What you are doing, your area of expertise, tell about about your website, blog and business, some descriptions about your site and blog, share your knowledge, experience and so on.

Myspace allows HTML code in the about me section. So add in some images, graphic, features to make your page look more interesting. You can even change your layout and background using one of the Myspace editors at . Keep you Myspace page looks clean and neat.

* I'd Like to Meet
This is the section you tell people who you like to meet. You should focus on finding friends that have interest on your website and blog content, and your products and services.

* Interest, Movie, Music......
Let other know more about you by telling them about your interest and hobbies.

Add/Edit Photo
You need to upload your own photo onto your MYspace page to make friends in Myspace. It will make your Myspace profile a little more interesting and people are more likely to approve your friend requests if they can see your face. Pick the best photo to upload.

The rest of the features you can choose not to use. But they can help in your Myspace marketing if you use them.

The advance of technology has made creating websites easier. More and more website building software were created by online companies to let people create their own websites without web design knowledge and experience. Below are some of the free website building software that are designed to help people build websites easily:

Google Page Creator (GPC)
It is a free beta online website development tool of Google. Anyone can sign up to use Google Page Creator to create a mini website with no HTML knowledge needed. It is easy to use, built in with a number of features and allowing AdSense ads. But in term of webpage optimization, GPC doesn't provide much options. The tool is right for beginners who want to build a content website and make money with AdSense.

Website to learn more about how to use GPC:

Domain & hosting

Hypervre website builder was developed by Matt Callen. The site builder automatically creates SEO friendly content web pages based on keywords of your choice. You don't need to figure out where to place your AdSense ads on your web pages, you just add your AdSense code during the web page creation process and your AdSense ads will appear on the high click-through rate areas of your web pages. You can also add your Amazon and Clickbank ads if you upgrade to paid membership. The builder saves time and work but only limited to building content-based website.

Domain & hosting
You can upload Hypervre sites to any of your paid and free hosting accounts using your own domain names.

An advanced website builder that allows you to create e-commerce site, sale page, AdSense & affiliate content-based website and much more. They provide video tutorial to help you begin. You can choose to design your site from scratch or use their ready made templates. Although the site owner of Bluevoda claims that users can build their own site without technical knowledge but my experience on Bluevoda is that it will make you more easier if yo learn some basic HTML code.

Domain & hosting
You have to register a domain name and a paid hosting account with

Tips for Internet Marketing Strategy

Posted by MarkFrancis | 10:32 PM

Internet Marketing is not simple as creating your own website and makes it popular. You should think about your income and if it is reasonable. There is much online business that still struggling because they do have internet strategies, which is important. If you want to achieve good income, you need to have effective strategy.

There are questions you need to consider before jumping into conclusion like:

What product or services do you offer?
The products you should offer give benefits to your customers. If you will think about your income alone, you will not succeed.

Who is your Target Market?
Many people need lots of services and products, you should think about who needs it. In that way, you can focus and give them the benefits they deserve to have.

Many online businesses have their own Internet Marketing Strategies. Most of them have good income and continue increasing each month. The secret is they do not just let anyone to do the work for them, they become part of it and create an effective strategy. Here are tips for Internet Marketing Strategies to help you:

Research a lot on the We
Internet is a huge place. Obviously, there are many competitors and you need to think ways to be on top. Learn to research about their strategies and make your own. You should also look for places where your target customers are located like forums, social bookmarkings and more.

Data Analysis
The second important thing to do is to write down your competitor’s negative and positive aspects. Summarize all the data you have gathered and develop your conclusion. In that way, you can create your own strategy that will give you advantage to competitors.

Developing the Strategy
If you are ready, create your own Internet Marketing Strategy. There are many ways you can do like pay per click (PPC), blogging, email marketing, SEO, display advertisement and more. You should always think about the money and time you will spend. If you want to survive to the competitive world of internet, you need think about this matter many times.

Monitoring Internet Marketing Campaigns
When you have all the strategies to start, you should implement it. Monitor your customer’s action every time they visit your website. Look for keywords where your site has much traffic and where it came from to PPC, SEO, blogging etc. Comparing one to another and see what works and does not to have a better action.

Remember that Internet Marketing Strategies do not have rule. It always depends on the situation about money and time issues. Finding out your advantage to Competitors and your weaknesses can help you to create an effective internet Marketing Strategy.

Google AdSense is really a great money making program for webmasters. Before the existence of AdSense program. Making money online used to be very difficult. You will need to have a high quality product, possess advanced Internet marketing skills and be willing to invest a sum of money for setting up professional sale website and launching advertising different campaigns. You either make big money because of you product is selling well or make little that not even enough for covering your cost if the product doesn't sell.

The launched of Google AdSense changed everything. People have more choices when thinking about making money online. They no longer have to sell products on the Internet in order to earn income online. With Google AdSense program, they can become an AdSense publisher and earn ad revenue by displaying AdSense ads on their content-based website.

The Basic of Google AdSense
The concept is pretty simple. You put up a website with good content, insert your AdSense ads into your content site, and then drive targeted traffic to your website. Part of your visitors who finish reading your content will read your AdSense ad and click on it. For each ad click, you usually earn anywhere between $0.10 to $$0.60 depends on the niche of your site. Those publishers who gain large traffic have earned thousands or even ten thousands dollar of AdSense revenue.

Some publishers use one or two websites to make money with AdSense, some have their own networks containing a lot of websites displaying AdSense ads which make them lucrative AdSense revenue.

Why You Shouldn’t Focus on Many Websites
As an individual publisher, it is always best to focus on using only one or two websites for AdSense program. While building a network of websites such as building fifteen content websites in different niches seem to be a great idea to earn money with AdSense. The idea assumes that you can generate $3 to $5 AdSense revenue from each site daily making a daily total of $45 to $75 AdSense income if you own fifteen website. But, practically it is very hard to succeed this way.

To make AdSense works for you, each of your sites must have quality unique content. With 15 sites, it is not possible to create unique and good content for each site by you alone. Getting help from the professional writers seems to be a good solution. But those who can write quality content are often expensive to hire. You will have a lot of writer fee to pay before you earn a single dime from AdSense.

Another problem with this idea is the website-promotion part. To make each of the websites earns AdSense income; you must be able to drive a reasonable amount of targeted traffic to each site every day. With so many content sites you maintained, you will never have enough time and energy to generate consistent traffic to your all the sites. As you aren't staying focus, you could get tire and bored easily which end up none of the sites generate revenue for you.

The publishers who really make a big money with a network of websites are those who are serious about web publishing. They have a group of experts to help him/her to create unique quality content, handle web design and do AdSense optimization with sufficient financial resources to back their plan

Keep Visiting my blog and be ready for part 2 !